Discretionary Grants (Individuals and Organisations)

Discretionary Grant Applications are now online! 

You must complete and submit an online application form for consideration. There are now separate forms for Individuals and Organisations, please see below for full instructions.

Applications must be submitted by 5pm on the following dates:  The Committee consider applications at their monthly meetings, with recommendations to the full Board early in the next month.   Applicants will be notified of outcomes by email as soon as possible following the  full Board meeting. 

    2025: Application deadlines:

  • 26 March
  • 23 April
  • 21 May
  • 25 June
  • 23 July

 Eligibility:  The Board will recognise only those applicants (including legally adopted children) who are:

  • Ngati Whakaue descendant of one of the original owners in the Pukeroa Oruawhata block (view list of owners), or
  • Descendant of one or more of the 6 Koromatua of Ngati Whakaue (view list).
    Whangai will be considered in terms of the Board's Whakapapa Policy (2015) No. 0611
  • Member of other related hapu/iwi of Ngati Whakaue who reside in the Lake Rotorua Basin.
  • (Group Applicants) Organisations that are recognised providers of education services and that have a significant proportion of members that fall within the above categories.

 Each applicant must provide details of the following:

  • The purpose and details of the grant application.
  • Individual/Organisation details as required in the application.
  • Education significance.
  • Relationship to national/regional/local achievement.
  • Purpose of the application to any future contribution to Ngati Whakaue and/or Rotorua.
  • Previous/current contribution and involvement with Ngati Whakaue
  • Academic details relevant to the application.
  • Level of financial assistance being sought from Ngati Whakaue.
  • Disclose previous funding received from NWEE
  • Other sources of financial support that have been applied for.
  • Letters of support.
  • Successful applicants are required to furnish a report to the Board on completion of their project/event.

 Criteria for allocating grants

  • The calculation of grants will be considered using the following criteria:
  • The educational significance of the application.
  • Any future contribution the applicant will make to Ngati Whakaue and /or Rotorua.
  • The national/regional/local significance of the application.
  • NOTE: If the application is for e.g. cultural exchange, the applicant MUST be a performer/participator or teacher support. (travelling support whanau not eligible)

The Board does not support applications for:

  • Purchase of capital equipment, or vehicles
  • Boarding School fees.

INDIVIDUAL applications for School Representative NATIONAL Sports refer here for further information.  SEPARATE GRANT PROCESS

Persons selected to represent Aotearoa NZ at International level should apply for consideration through the discretionary grant process. 
Note, if approved a grant will be limited to $250.00.  In the case of a group application, $250 per participant able to meet whakapapa criteria.


Please note:  All grant recipients are required to provide a brief report on outcomes/experience/benefits gained, and accountability for funds.  
On completion of the event, a link to the online reporting form will be sent from the data base.  




  • Assist individuals in obtaining qualifications and skills/knowledge for vocational purposes.
  • To engage individuals in education endeavours that benefit Ngati Whakaue (including research).
  • To further develop the educational and development opportunities for individuals.

INDIVIDUAL applications for School Representative NATIONAL Sports  refer here for further information. - SEPARATE GRANT PROCESS.

Person/s selected to represent Aotearoa NZ at International level should apply for consideration through the discretionary grant process. 
Note, if approved a grant will be limited to $250.00.  In the case of a group application, $250 per participant able to meet whakapapa criteria.

Required documents to upload:

Please ensure you have a saved digital copy of:

  • Your Verified Whakapapa Sheet
  • Bank Account Details (must show full bank account and name of account holder)
  • Support Letter/Documentation confirming detail of the purpose of your application.
  • You cannot submit your application without uploading these documents!
  • If you don't already have a completed and Verified Whakapapa Sheet, you can download a blank sheet here: Blank Whakapapa Sheet Download Link
  • Verification of whakapapa is essential for consideration of a grant

»View Policy



Purpose:  To support recognised Educational Organisations to develop, implement and deliver innovative educational programmes that:

  • Are outside mainstream funding sources.
  • Promote vocational and further learning opportunities and outcomes and personal development of participants.
  • Encourage group study and participation.

Required documents to upload:

  • Please ensure you have a saved digital copy of:
  • Verified Whakapapa Sheet (please provide if applicable - e.g. for Ngati Whakaue participants)
  • Bank Account Details (must show full bank account and name of account holder)
  • Clear Budget, outlining full cost of proposal/project, contributions, and grant sought)
  • Support Letter/Documentation confirming detail of the purpose of your application.
  • You cannot submit your application without uploading these documents!
  • If you don't already have a completed and Verified Whakapapa Sheet, you can download a blank sheet here: Blank Whakapapa Sheet Download Link

»View Policy




  • Applications will only be considered on the official online application form.
  • The Board requires applicants to complete forms fully, and accurately to enable timely processing of applications. Failure to do so may result in your application being declined.
  • Applicants will be notified by mail of the Board’s decision and, if successful, any payments to be made.
  • SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS will be required to submit a report to the Board on the completion of their project. 


  1. Prepare your documents for uploading as part of your application and save somewhere handy.
  2. Click the Individual Application Form or Organisation Application Form below to start.
  3. Fill in your details and answers to questions on the form.
  4. Most fields on the form are required. A red asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
  5. Upload required documents
  6. Read the Declaration and Acknowledge Terms and Conditions of the application.
  7. Click Submit – you will be emailed a copy of your application for your records.
  8. If you need to Save & Resume your application in progress:
    1. Click the ‘Save my progress and resume later’ checkbox at the top of the form (the form does not save automatically).
    2. When you save your application, you will be asked to enter your email and choose a password – this is used when you return to your form.
    3. You will be sent an email link to the email address provided so you can resume your application – you will need to enter your email address and password to resume.




For TECHNICAL SUPPORT relating to the online form, please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For enquiries on policy matters, eligibility or supporting documents, please email the Secretary's office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.